Sunday 26 May 2013

Three's Company

For those of you not ‘in the know’, Erasmus is a scheme set up to allow European students in the third year of their degree to travel to another European country for a year; to study, teach, or work. I spent my Erasmus year in a gorgeous city in Spain, and it was the most wonderful year of my life to date; in fact I doubt that will ever change.

Now I don’t want to sound like the archetypal gap-year student here and preach about ‘finding myself’, but the truth is that it was a time of huge self-discovery for me, and opened my eyes to a great number of new experiences, people, and most of all possibilities. I made it my mission to say ‘yes’ to each and every opportunity that presented itself – from skinny-dipping to dancing under the stars at an orange farm – and, as a result, many of my stories come from this time spent abroad.

This one in particular started out as a regular night for my group of friends; drinks on our roof-terrace before heading into town to an underground club. We hadn’t been before, and hadn’t heard of anyone else who’d been either, but it was an adventure and we were more than willing to go along for the ride.

Upon entry, we discovered that this was a lesbian club; nothing unusual for me as I’m from an extremely cosmopolitan city myself, although it was a novelty for some of my friends. The music was as loud as the beer was cheap, and this suited us perfectly. After an hour or two of shaking my stuff on the dance floor, I got chatting to what I thought was a lovely (straight) couple – fantastic! I relished any opportunity to practise my Spanish. He was nothing particularly special, but she was gorgeous; a twenty-something Brazilian who’d been in Spain for just two years, her long dark hair and thick eyelashes were mesmerising. However, when I asked how long they’d been together, they replied that they were just good friends. I remember this striking me as odd due to the blatant attraction between the two.

When she asked if I’d like to go to the bathroom, it seemed like a normal request; you know us girls, we’re always going together. When he followed us, it seemed perfectly natural; of course, he needed to go as well. When he joined us in the ladies’, now that’s when I realised something was afoot. Maybe if I’d drunk less beer, or if I hadn’t been on my year abroad, or if I wasn’t in such an experimental state of mind, I wouldn’t have gone ahead with it. But for whatever reason, I did. No words were spoken, no agreement was made, but somehow we all seemed to know what was happening.

We all entered the same bathroom stall (yes, it was very crowded) and they started kissing. Then he kissed me. Then she kissed me. I’d kissed female friends before for jokes, or dares, or as a bargaining chip to make male friends do the same, but this was different; this was the first time that being with a girl wasn’t justified by anyone’s ulterior motive. And I have to admit that it wasn’t bad; in fact, her lips were soft and patient and giving. As we kissed, he unzipped his jeans and positioned himself behind me; condom first of course. His hands reached round to my breasts as he slid into me from behind, my face all the while pressed against hers.

As he slowly and deliberately fucked me from behind, she let her hands fall down my body, across my breasts and down the centre of my stomach to between my legs, where she stimulated me with the sureness and accuracy of someone who’s done it many times before and knows how it feels. I actually found myself more consumed by what she was doing than by the man inside me. Perhaps it was the novelty factor, or my amazement at what was happening, but I found myself wanting to please her too. So when he withdrew, I leant in to kiss her, and dropped my lips to her neck, her chest, and slowly made my way down her torso. My heart was beating wildly as I contemplated my next move, but part of me really wanted to know what it was like to do this to a girl; above all, maybe, because I wanted to know what men were experiencing when they did it to me. I got closer and, before I had time to think too hard, went for it. Kissing and licking her, I found myself more in tune to how it would feel for her, trying to recreate things I myself liked to be done, and maybe trying even harder to please her than I usually would a man. Is that to say I prefer women? I’d still say no.

Perhaps gay relationships have an advantage over straight ones; having the same sexual organs as your partner means you know how everything feels. You know what’ll tip them over the edge and what to avoid. Boyfriends of mine in the past have marvelled at how quickly I can make myself come (and complained at how long it can take me when they’re at the wheel), and that accuracy can surely only come from years of experimentation and knowing exactly what you like.

But despite women being more gentle, soft and smooth, there’s something about men’s ruggedness; the scratch of stubble against my skin, the hard pressure of an erection against my thigh, that means I’ll never switch sides. That’s not to say I don’t understand why one would...

love... V

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